Aim of our activity

Among Japanese proverbs, we have one which means “the soul nurtured in childhood stays in people’s hearts until old age”. This may correspond to the proverb in English: “The child is farther of the man”. We think that this adage expresses one of the most important ideas from the point of view of education. That is a primary reason why we focus on childhood.

Brief introduction of our group

Welcome to our web pages “Play with children on various scientific phenomena”, which is an English translation of our group name.

Although our web pages are presented primarily in Japanese, they have been accessed from foreign countries frequently. We, therefore, decided to introduce basic part of our activity in English.

★★ Aim of our activity
★★ Brief history of our group (since 2009)
★★ Changes in the number of children participating each fiscal year

If you have a massage/massages to us, please click here and give us your name, e-mail address, and massage(s).


★★ ユニコムプラザでさがみはら地域つくり大学の公開講座 2022.6.18

★★ オーサーズカフェ@ユニコムプラザさがみはら 2021.4.24